The Book “Jewish-American Hall of Fame Medals 1969-2019” by Mel Wacks
You can enjoy this informative fully illustrated book, containing biographies of all JAHF honorees, back
stories of how medals were designed, information about the medalists, medal specifications (mint,
mintages, dimensions, etc.) - plus pictures and mintages of over 36 special medals issued by the
Jewish-American Hall of Fame/Magnes Museum - by clicking here.
Jewish-American Hall of Fame Original Offerings/Order Forms The original offerings/order forms—containing descriptions and issue prices-- for each annual Jewish-American Hall of Fame medal, beginning in 1969, can be seen on the Newman Numismatic Portal.
“Jewish-American Hall of Fame medals long running series” by Jeff Starck. Coin World runs feature article in July 30, 2012 issue.
Important New Discoveries about the First American Jewish Medal
After extensive research, Mel Wacks has concluded that (1) the die for the first American Jewish medal, commemorating Gershom Mendes Seixas, was not made in 1816 as previously supposed; it existed as early as February 7, 1812. (2) There is no reason to assume that the die was commissioned by Columbia or even that the medal in the Columbia Archives was made by Columbia. (3) And lastly, the silver “shell” medal in the Columbia archives was engraved after the death of Gershom Mendes Seixas on July 2, 1816 on a medal that was made sometime c. 1812 – 1816.
An Inside Look at
the Creative Process by Mel Wacks.
longest continuing series of commemoratives continues the Renaissance
tradition of medallic portraits.
chronology of the Jewish-American Hall of Fame.
Making of a Medal
See all of the steps necessary to produce the medal honoring
Leopold Karpeles --beginning with the original suggestion and
preliminary sketches.
The Creation of a Jewish
Here is the story of the early years of the Magnes Museum
(Oakland & Berkeley, California) written eloquently by co-founder
Rebecca Camhi Fromer who, with her husband Seymour Fromer and
a handful of very dedicated people -- starting in a loft above
a movie theater -- created the "Jewish Museum of the West."
For over 30 years, beginning in 1969, the Magnes Museum was home to the Jewish-American Hall of Fame, the sponsor of this web site.
Honor Roll of Jewish-American Hall of Fame Supporters
This website and the permanent collection of Jewish-American Hall of Fame plaques at the Virginia Holocaust Museum have been made possible by these generous contributors and collectors of the limited edition Jewish-American Hall of Fame art medals.
A New Candidate for the First American Jewish Medal
While Moritz Fürst’s Gersom Mendes Seixas medal was evidently the first American Jewish medal struck
in America, famous silversmith Myer Myers actually made an engraved circumcision medal about 50
years earlier!